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Adult Ed - Is God Really Listening to our Prayers...and Does it Matter?

Thursday, March 7, 2024 27 Adar I 5784

7:00 PM - 9:00 PMZOOM:

Is God Really Listening to our Prayers…and Does it Matter??

Prayer is, perhaps, the oldest and most central Jewish act. Prayer bring us together to connect with each other and with God. But why do we pray? And what are we doing when we pray? Is it a time to talk TO God or ABOUT God? And what if we're not so sure that God is listening and answering? Turns out we are not the first to have asked these questions. In this class, we will explore some Jewish texts – both modern and ancient - that speak to the purpose(s) of prayer. We’ll talk about what it means to enter into God’s presence, and how our prayer can help lift us higher.

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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784