BIC Membership Information
Here are some reasons you want to be part of Wilmington’s only Conservative Jewish synagogue!
- Ritual & Synagogue Privileges
- Participate in religious services and study
- High Holiday tickets
- Priority reservations and seating for synagogue events
- Aliyahs
- Holiday celebrations
- Circle of Honor benefits
- Access to ShulCloud and membership directory
- Voting privileges
- Burial privileges*
- Monthly newsletter with weekly updates
- All email notices
- Access to B’nai Israel calendar
Pastoral Care
- B’nai mitzvot training
- Premarital counseling
- Bereavement counseling
- Lifecycle events
Learning Opportunities
- Adult education and discussion groups
- Tots, Hebrew School, Hebrew High School
Social Action
- Prepare and serve meals at Good Shepherd homeless shelter
- Provide meals for family members at Cape Fear Hospice and Life Care Center
- “Sunshine Meals” delivered to congregants discharged from the hospital or rehab
- Sisterhood book club, speakers, and outreach activities
- Men’s club outreach activities
- Sing with the Kavanotes choral group at services and community events
And Much More!
Call or email our office for more information: 910-762-1117
* in accordance with the Cemetery Rules issued by Bnai Israel Congregation
Fri, March 7 2025 7 Adar 5785