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General Donation Information


Your contributions to Bnai Israel Congregation and its special funds are greatly appreciated. Your donations are a crucial part of funding holidays, events, synagogue operations, building renovations, facilities maintenance, and much more.

Donate online by logging in to your account at the top of this page then by clicking here or selecting "Donate Now" from the drop down menu above.

Or you can make out a check and mail it to the synagogue office along with information about you, the benefactor, the fund of your choice, or the purpose of the donation.

Or you can contact the synagogue office by phone (910-762-1117) or by email (

Or just drop by during regular business hours.

Mailing Address:

PO Box 7104, Wilmington, NC 28406-7104



If you are using email to initiate a donation, please do not include your credit card or debit card number or PIN's in the email. Call the office, treasurer, or Rabbi with that information instead.

Email is NOT secure.

Our ShulCloud website is fully secure.

Give Purpose to Your Donation


Honor Life-Cycle Events of Your Loved Ones

Donations can be made in honor of those living for events such as Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, Career Promotions, Graduations, Retirements, and more. Please include a description of the honor and the name and address of the person, family, or organization being honored.


Foster Healing and Encouragement

Donations can be made towards those in need of healing (Meshaberach) as an act of loving kindness in addition to our prayers and wishes for recovery. 


Show You Care

Make a donation just to show someone you care about them, or about a special milestone.


In Memory of Departed Loved Ones

Donations have special meaning when given in the name of loved ones who have recently departed, or for those whose annual remembrance is upon us (Yahrzeit).   


Special Funds Details


General Fund

This is used to supplement all of our programs, events, and charities from Shabbat dinners and Kiddush’s to extraordinary maintenance and operating expenses.


Benevolent Fund:  Originally created as a repository of all donations to Bnai Israel, it is presently viewed as our long term emergency fund.  


Building Fund:  Funds to be used for maintenance or capital improvements as determined by the board of directors.


Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund:  Funds controlled by the Rabbi to be used at her discretion for both member and community needs, educational and health needs, or for the betterment of all (Tikun Olum).


Education Fund:  Funds to be used to supplement the activities of the synagogues educational programs including the One Room Shul House and adult education programs.


Cemetery Fund

Funds for long-term maintenance of our cemetery.


Kavanotes Fund

Funds for our music and associated costs. This helps to maintain our beautiful music during services and special events.


Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785