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B'nai Israel Congregation

Men's Club


The B'nai Israel Men's Club was formed in 2003. Our mission is to foster a sense of brotherhood and friendship for male members of the Congregation and to support the Congregation in religious, cultural, and social activities as well as fundraising events. Additionally, we look outside our internal community for volunteering opportunities that benefit those less fortunate.

Next Men's Club DINE OUT Thurs., Jan 23rd @ Perla Raw Bar

Please come and join us for our next Men's Club DINE OUT.

Everyone attending must register in advance. This will be open to all members with their wives or significant other. We will keep a waiting list should the need arise.

Men's Club Calendar of Scheduled Events 2025

If you have not renewed or joined by now you can do so with a check for $36 which would cover you through to June 30, 2025

Please make checks payable to BI Men's Club



Thurs., Jan 23rd Dine Out @ Perla Raw Bar at 6:30 PM

Sun.,Feb 9th Super Bowl Party (Location TBD)

Mon.,Apr 7th March Madness Basketball Final 2025 @ BIC 9 PM

Sun., Apr 27th Joint BI & TOI MCs @ Ft. Fisher Museum 10 AM

Sat., May 10th Men's Club Shabbat @ BIC 9:30 AM

Thurs., Jun 12th Dine Out at 6:30 PM (TBD)

Sun., Jul 20th Israel Scouts Caravan Meet & Greet / Performance w/TOI @ BIC at 2 PM

Sun., Aug 31st Annual Labor Day Cook Out at 4:30 PM


For more information, please contact Phil Sassoon (President) at

OFFICERS 2024-2025

                   President:             Phil Sassoon

                   Vice President:     Lloyd Zeldin

                   Programming:      Barry Weiss

                  Treasurer:             Shai Abisch

                  Coordinator:      Harold Eichenholz

Our annual activities include publishing the Yizkor Book of Remembrance, hosting the Labor Day Weekend BBQ/Cook Out, putting up the Congregation's community Sukkah and hosting a Friday Night Dinner in the Sukkah. We also plan a member sponsored Super Bowl Party. 

We encourage new members to get involved, meet the men of B'nai Israel and be part of our strong community. The Men’s Club members usually meet quarterly for a Sunday breakfast/brunch meeting and periodically bring in guest speakers to enlighten us on topics of mutual interest.

                                  Click here to join Men's Club

Men's Club News and Events

B'nai Israel Men's Club Facts Going Forward for 2024-5

This year in 2024 we currently have 51 paid members and hope to grow our membership for the 2024-5 period. Membership dues will be collected for the period July 2024-June 2025 ($36) going forward.

We've extended our membership to the non-Jewish spouses of our BIC members and to Jewish non-BIC members.

We've discussed projected calendar events and activities (on this page above) that we want to continue with and new ones we would like to implement. We purchased additional sound equipment to enhance the High Holy Day experience and to provide portable sound capability for outdoor events. We fortified the existing sukkah structure this year and hope to replace it in the future once we find donors interested in sponsoring the effort.

We will continue having guest speakers at future Breakfast/Brunch Meetings.  We have and will schedule periodic "Dine Outs" at local restaurants or sports events to further enhance our social interaction.

We will join forces with Sisterhood to sponsor various activities and run joint Men's Club activities with Temple of Israel (TOI MC).  We welcome volunteer opportunities to further Tikun Olam (Repairing the World).

We will bring back the Israel Scouts again in July making this an annual joint event with TOI and UJA. 

Lastly, we have purchased a large 85" Smart TV and rolling stand for better visible capability of presentations for both the BIC community and our school. We will look to donate to other causes that will  benefit our synagogue and community and recently purchased an Electric Piano to enhance the KavaNote experience

If you have a desire for an activity or want to look into membership with us, please click on the link below:

                                       Click here to join Men's Club

Or....please reach out to me, Phil Sassoon (President) with any questions you may have at I look forward to hearing from you.

YIZKOR 2023-2024

Book of Remembrance 2024 (5785)

The B'nai Israel Men’s Club will once again be publishing a Book of Remembrance for use during the 2024-2025 Yizkor Services starting with Yom Kippur on October 12, 2024. The cost for inclusion in the Yizkor Book is a donation of $10 per individual name memorialized. Deadline for inclusion in the booklet is Friday, October 4, 2024.

Please click the link provided and return the form shown below with a check made out to B’nai Israel Men’s Club to:

                                                    Book of Remembrance (Yizkor Book) 2023

                         To access last year's Yizkor Book to check your listed names from 2023
                                                                      CLICK HERE



Fri, March 7 2025 7 Adar 5785