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Israel Trip 2024

See the sights of Golan Heights, Jordan Valley, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Dead Sea, Masada and more. 

Enjoy activities including an archaeological dig, an F-16 Flight Simulator, visit a winery, Shabbat dinner with a local family and much more!

Click here for more details and to sign up for this amazing trip  


The tour Package includes the following items:

  • 11 days with an English-speaking private tour guide,
  • Transportation in a luxury bus for 10 days
  • Group transfer from Tel Aviv to Ben Gurion Airport on day of departure
  • Water on days with transportation
  • 3 nights' stay at the Gomeh Galilee Hotel
  • 5 nights' stay at the Dan Panorama Jerusalem Hotel
  • 2 nights' stay at the Renaissance Tel Aviv Hotel
  • Full Israeli breakfast in all hotels
  • Lunch on days #3, 4, 5, 9, 10, & 11 as per itinerary
  • Dinner on days #2, 3, 4, 6, 8, & 12 as per itinerary
  • Entrance fees and all activities based on the itinerary

NOTE:  Itinerary is not final and may be subject to change

Land Tour Only Costs

  • Approximately $4600 per person 
  • Single Supplement: $1460 additional if one person only is in the room (We will help find you a roommate, based on people who have signed up, as applicable)

Additional costs to consider include international airfare, tips & gratuities, other meals (not already included), trip insurance, personal spending

Please contact for any specific questions you might have.

Click here for the Itinerary

Click here for Travel Cost Information


Overview & Information Session on Sunday, July 23

Click here for recording of the Overview and Information Session


There will be an Overview & Information Session on Sunday, July 23 at 1:00 PM

David Abraham, Israel Mavens Tours, will be joining the call to review the itinerary, costs and other information you may need.  Please sign up below and join us for this session if you are interested in learning more about the Israel trip. 

We will record the session for those not able to join.  If you are interested in the Israel trip, but not able to join the Information Session, please sign up below to indicate interest in the trip. 

Click here to sign up for the Information Session

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784