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From Our President, November 19, 2021

11/21/2021 01:05:58 PM


Michelle Bannon

It’s that time of year! I’m referring to our Annual Congregational Meeting, which will be held this coming Sunday, November 21, at 4 pm on Zoom.

Please take advantage of this opportunity to hear the latest about the many activities at Bnai Israel. You’ll hear Rabbi Bender talk about her plans for the upcoming year as well as reports from committee chairs.

Elections will be held for all Officers and four Board of Director seats. The Nominating Committee, chaired by Rena Goldwasser, has recommended an excellent slate of candidates willing to dedicate their time and energy to our congregation. I believe those who have stepped up to serve will do a great job.

We will also vote on extending Rabbi Bender’s contract for an additional year, to June 30, 2023. The option for this extension is included in her current contract. Rabbi Bender has initiated many positive programs at Bnai Israel and wishes to continue her work here. The Board of Directors strongly supports this extension and unanimously voted to bring it to the congregation for approval. 

I encourage you to look at all of the reports, including Rabbi Bender’s, which are located at the top of our website, under Semi-Annual Congregation Meeting. There is much energy and enthusiasm these days at Bnai Israel. Our religious school is once again growing, our services are well attended, and there are many activities to take part in. I hope to see you on Zoom on Sunday afternoon!

I would be remiss if I neglected to mention one recent activity sponsored by the Sisterhood. The Latke Social and Chanukah shopping this past Sunday was marvelous! There was a great turnout, great latkes, sufganiyot, other treats, and lots of shopping. Most importantly, there was lots of schmoozing, a sure sign of a good time. Thanks to everyone who worked to make this event happen and also to Molly Baruc who donated her 50/50 winnings back to the Sisterhood!

Did you know? We have a “Sister” congregation! Congregation Emanuel in Statesville, North Carolina is a small synagogue that has been in existence since 1891! They have about 35 members and so are without a permanent rabbi. Some of their members will join us periodically for Friday evening services via Zoom. This Friday will be their first “visit” to Wilmington, so please consider joining us in person or on Zoom and giving them a warm welcome.

Shabbat Shalom,


Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785