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From Our President: June 30, 2022

06/28/2022 09:38:46 PM


Now that the Celebration! Installation! Dedication weekend is over, I want to thank the committee for all of their work in making the weekend such a success.  Each event was joyous in its own right but together created a memorable commemoration of all the simchas celebrated at Bnai Israel Congregation.  The journal, created through hours of work reflects the joy of Installing Rabbi Bender and Dedicating the Sanctuary.

The Celebration started the weekend with the opportunity for us all to see each other again in a festive environment.  The music provided by The Ruach offered a new sound for many of us in Jewish song and the dinner and service at the Cape Fear Country Club were fabulous!

Friday night’s installation of Rabbi Chaya Bender was a beautiful tribute to her and was highlighted by the acoustic accompaniment of The Ruach.  Rabbi Waxman’s installation ceremony honoring Rabbi Bender highlighted how she has brought the congregation together through unprecedented times and through a major renovation.  We are all very thankful for her spiritual leadership and creative nature.

Sunday’s Dedication featured a recap of the capital campaign as well as the process of the renovation. It was highlighted by the Torah procession to the beautifully renovated Ark where the Torah’s were placed in their new home.  

We were happy to honor all of those who have helped create this new space both through hours of planning and financial donations.  Despite our best efforts to recognize everyone in the Tribute Journal, unfortunately, some families were missed in error.  I take responsibility for families that were inadvertently omitted.  Please accept my apologies and know that all members of the Congregation are appreciated and valued, especially those who have been here for generations. I am thankful to the families who founded and helped Bnai Israel to thrive and grow to the strengths we have reached today.  

L’dor V’dor, From Generation to Generation.

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785