From the President: November 9, 2023
11/08/2023 07:22:02 PM
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From the BIC 125th Anniversary Celebration...
Good Evening, my name is Amy DeLoach and I am the President of Bnai Israel Synagogue, I want to welcome you all here this evening, especially the descendants of our founders.
I stand here today with immense pride and joy as we gather to celebrate the 125th anniversary of B'nai Israel Synagogue in Wilmington, North Carolina. It is a momentous occasion, and I am deeply honored to welcome you all to this historic milestone.
Last February a group of us gathered to begin planning for our 125th Anniversary. Since then we have met monthly to discuss everything from food to the program. Many of our meetings were trips down memory lane and some of my favorite meetings of the year. I was thankful to work with people that are new to the Synagogue whose dedication to this project was truly meaningful to me. Then there were members whose families, like mine, have deep roots at the synagogue. Most of these people, though I have known them my whole life, I had never had the chance to enjoy spending time with. It was truly wonderful working with each and every one of you and I will miss our monthly meetings.
At these meetings, there were a whole lot of you remember so & so, yeah whatever happened to them? Inevitably someone had some contact with them and would give updates on their family. Though I always knew this was true, there was a whole lot of yeah, he was my great uncle or he was related to my father, everyone is family here.
I want to thank the following people for their dedication to this committee and for all the joy you brought to me sharing all of the memories. Please stand up when I call your name:
125 Committee
Molly Baruc, Jeri D’Lugin, Judy Hamelburg, Terry Jensen, Michael Kingoff, Roselle Margolis, Brenda Schwartz Mitwol, Marvin Neuwirth, Sander Retchin, Alane Savod, Debbie Smith, Steve Stein, Walter Winter, Nancy Kraselsky, Rabbi Waxman, Leigh Winter
Joelle Serot, Michelle Bannon, Barbara Waxman, Leslie Samet for gathering, editing and coordinating the photos and articles for the journal you will receive on Sunday.
Heather Harris, Garrison Kaufman, Debbie Smith, Susan Turner, Leigh Winter, Lloyd Zeldin, Felice Zeldin, Brenda Mitwol, Molly Baruc, Tina Sacramone, Alane Savod, Terry Jensen, Nikki Zeldin, Noa Alper, Laurel Westreich, Barbara Waxman, Joyce Sassoon, Diane Gerberg, Liz Berger
The Kavanotes and Musical Team
Carl Samet, Norm Shain, Rabbi Waxman, Jack Markowitz, Susan Turner, Ila Berkley, Jordan Berkley, Eve Berger, Sue Mintzes, Billy Hirschen, Larry Zimmerman
Laurel Westreich and Hal Throne
Thank you Robyn Gahr for facilitating the children’s art project of tzedakah boxes.
Thank you to Harrison Freedland, Judy Hamelburg, Jeri D’Lugin, Henry Lowenstein, Roselle Margolis, Meira Warshauer and Marcia Davis for sharing their family’s history as it relates to Bnai Israel Congregation.
A special thanks to Rabbi Chaya Bender for her spiritual guidance, her ability to keep us focused and making sure we celebrated this weekend with the honor it deserves. Rabbi Robert Waxman for sharing his memories and for his critical role in shaping the Synagogue into what it is today, Rabbi Waxman kept us true to our Conservative movement while making sure we grew within it; to Nancy Kraselsky for all her work with communications, creating the invitation, on-line shul cloud registration and all of her attention to the details of the weekend, Nancy made working on this project fun; and lastly to Aaron Goldsmith and Tina Sacramone, Yvonne Jones and Roxie Schram for their invaluable administrative assistance, cooking and technology.
Second, I want to thank the sponsors for the weekend.
L'dor Vador Sponsor Level - $1000
Walter & Leigh Winter, Jeri D’Lugin, Scott & Carol Johnston, Michael Kingoff, Marvin & Sarah Neuwirth, Arlene Schreiber, Debbie & Marty Meyerson, Bnai Israel Men’s Club
Shehecheyanu Sponsor Level - $500
Harold & Roberta Eichenholz, Judy & Bobby Hamelburg, Nancy Kraselsky, Helene Kraselsky, Brenda Mitwol, Martha & Steve Stein, Frank Block
Mishpacha Sponsor Level- $250
Liz & Jon Berger, Bnai Israel Sisterhood, Marcia & Mark Davis, Amy & Mark DeLoach, Diane & Alan Gerberg, Carla & Henry Lowenstein, Sue Mintzes, Debbie Smith, Michelle & Rich Bannon, Ruth and Michael Smith, Meira Warshauer, Carolyn and Bruce Moskowitz
And the 35 other donors at the Havarim and Nachas level.
Wed, March 12 2025
12 Adar 5785
Friday evening service
6:00 pm
Saturday morning service
9:30 am
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Wednesday ,
MarMarch 12 , 2025Miller Intro to Judaism Class with Rabbi Bender
Wednesday, Mar 12th 7:00p to 8:30p
Thursday ,
MarMarch 13 , 2025Purim Service, Megillah Reading & Enhanced Oneg
Thursday, Mar 13th 5:30p to 7:30p
Sunday ,
MarMarch 16 , 2025Purim Carnival
Sunday, Mar 16th 10:00a to 12:00p
Wednesday ,
MarMarch 19 , 2025Miller Intro to Judaism Class with Rabbi Bender
Wednesday, Mar 19th 7:00p to 8:30p
Thursday ,
MarMarch 20 , 2025Sisterhood Board Meeting
Thursday, Mar 20th 2:30p to 4:00p
Friday ,
MarMarch 21 , 2025Joint BIC & TOI Shabbat Service - at Temple of Israel
Friday, Mar 21st 7:00p to 9:00p
Sunday ,
MarMarch 23 , 2025Hebrew School
Sunday, Mar 23rd 9:30a to 12:00p
Sunday ,
MarMarch 23 , 2025Pickleball Social
Sunday, Mar 23rd 3:00p to 6:00p
Wednesday ,
MarMarch 26 , 2025Lunch & Learn - United in Learning with Rabbi Bender & Reverend Anne Abdy
Wednesday, Mar 26th 12:00p to 1:30p
Wednesday ,
MarMarch 26 , 2025Hebrew High School
Wednesday, Mar 26th 4:15p to 5:30p
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Bnai Israel Congregation - 2601 Chestnut St - Wilmington, NC 28405 - (910) 762-1117
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