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From the President: February 1, 2024

02/01/2024 12:16:19 AM


We have so much to be grateful for at Bnai Israel. Our new board was installed at a beautiful service with The KavaNotes. They are hard at work, as is our new administrator, Linda Hanna. If you haven’t had the opportunity to meet Linda yet, I hope you will stop in soon. We are so fortunate to have Linda on our team.

Our building has been buzzing. Our Lunch and Learn program is engaging adult learners. Rabbi Bender has been leading Mimosas & Midrash sponsored by our Open Door & Diversity committee. Who knew there was so much talk about sex in the Midrash? Come join the conversation on February 11 for the second session. Sisterhood and Men’s Club each had successful membership brunches. BIC participated in an Interfaith MLK service and marched in the parade. Our Sunshine team has been cooking and delivering meals and our Hebrew High School helped out at Good Shepherd.

This past Shabbat, our Hebrew School helped to lead a TuBishvat-themed Friday night service. They did a fantastic job! It was wonderful to see the pews filled with families, young and old. But wait, there’s more! The KavaNotes are hard at work planning and practicing for Shabbat from Liverpool on February 9th.  The Joy of Art Show is returning to Bnai Israel with new 2D & 3D artists, an opening reception, and artists' talks February 22nd – 25th.

Membership is sponsoring a Masquerade Shabbat and Dinner in March. Plans are full steam ahead for a Seussical Purim. The entire congregation will come together, in costume, for a Boozy Breakfast and the Megillah reading. Kids will join in costume and have their own Purim Spiel and Carnival with TOI students. Hamantaschen baking will abound and include a family baking day.

All of this activity is happening because we have volunteers who have found ways to join us that are meaningful to them. We welcome everybody to participate at your level. Maybe you like to cook, or sing, maybe you like doing small tasks or fundraising or Tikkun Olam projects. Maybe you have a new idea that you would like to pursue. Let us know and someone will reach out to you.

I ask every one of you to look inside your hearts to see what it is that you can bring to Bnai Israel, what talents you have and might want to share or maybe there is something that we do and you would like to learn, to make your membership at Bnai Israel more meaningful to you.

I want to see Bnai Israel continue to grow our community together, from the tiniest baby to our eldest members. We want everybody to be included regardless of abilities, persuasions, or whatever may be holding you back.  Now is the time to come together and make Bnai Israel even stronger than it already is. With these words in mind, I hope every one of you, will decide for yourself what you would like to contribute to make your membership at Bnai Israel more meaningful to you. Fill out and return the volunteer form which came in your dues packet. We will be in touch, or just call someone and say you would like to join in.

Let’s all come together and continue to enjoy each other through fabulous events, meaningful davening, educational and learning programs, and let’s not ever forget the important aspect of socialization that we so enjoy here at Bnai Israel.


Pam Sender


Mon, March 10 2025 10 Adar 5785