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Hebrew High School Calendar (Grades 8 - 12)

Bnai Israel Hebrew School and Youth/Family Programming

Key: Normal Class Session, Youth Programming, Family Session, School Break, Holiday School Programming

All Hebrew High School programs are Wednesday from 4:00 - 5:30PM at Bnai Israel, unless otherwise noted

Sept 13     Good Shepherd Center

Please refer to High Holiday emails and the website for service times.

Sept 20     Normal Session

Sept 27     Sukkah Set Up

Sept 29     Musical Friday Night Shabbat Service and Men’s Club Dinner

Oct 1         Snacks in the Sukkah Sukkot Celebration at the Jaeger Bender House

Oct 4         Pizza in the Hut

Oct 8         Simchat Torah Service and Party, 10-12

Oct 11       Good Shepherd Center

Oct 15       Jungle Rapids following Hebrew School

Oct 18       Cape Fear Museum of History and Science Visit

Oct 25       School Break

Nov 1        Normal Session

Nov 5        BIC 125th Year Celebration

Nov 8        Good Shepherd Center

Nov 11      Saturday Learner’s Minyan and Junior Congregation

Nov 15      Normal Session

Nov 29      Normal Session

Dec 6        Normal Session

Please refer to BIC emails and the website for all Hanukkah activities

Dec 8        Special Musical Friday Night Services Family Session

Dec 11      Hanukkah over the Bridge

Dec 13      Joint BIC/TOI Hanukkah Party,  4:30 PM

Dec 14      8th Night of Hanukkah at Rabbi Bender and Emily

Jan 3         Normal Session

Jan 10       Good Shepherd Center

Jan 15       MLK Parade TBD

Jan 21       Tu Bishvat Family Session joint with TOI

Jan 31       Normal Session

Feb 7        Normal Session

Feb 14      Good Shepherd Center

Feb 21      Normal Session

Feb 23      Friday Night Services led by Hebrew School at TOI

Feb 28      Normal Session

Mar 2       Saturday Learner’s Minyan and Junior Congregation

Mar 6        Normal Session

Mar 13      Good Shepherd Center

Mar 20      Purim Carnival Prep

Mar 24      Purim Celebration Joint with TOI; Purim Shpiel 10:30 AM; Purim Carnival 11:00 - 1:00 PM

Apr 10      Good Shepherd Center

Apr 17      Passover Prep

May 1       Normal Session

May 5       Last Day of School Trip to Raleigh, Details TBD

May 19     Greater Jewish Wilmington Yom Ha’atzmaut Event, 11:00 - 1:00 PM, Long Leaf Shelter 4

May 26     Lag Ba’Omer Family Cook Out

Jul 14       Midsummer Hebrew and Tots Hang Out at Rabbi Bender’s House


Fri, July 26 2024 20 Tammuz 5784